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News — closed loop extractor

Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells. This Is Mind Blowing!

Posted by Jeromy Posey on

Since 1974 studies have shown that cannabis has anti-tumor effects. The results of the 1974 study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that cannabis’s component,THC, “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” In 1975 an article in the Journal of the National cancer institute titled “Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids,” they reported that “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD). Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and...

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Vac Ovens, Vacuum chambers

Posted by Jeromy Posey on

Their only purpose it to make the shatter! To harden and cure your essential oil!   Like sugar in candy making depending on the temperature you bring it up to its consistency changes with heat and pressure.  low heat makes a sauce more heat makes a caramel more heat make taffy and with enough heat you can make suckers and rock candy! With to much heat you scorch it! Essential oil works in basically the same manner.

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Convert to Super Chilled Alcohol

Posted by Jeromy Posey on

Its simple and easy, just cost a little more to get the extra equipment. Still tens of thousands cheaper than those Co2 systems that constantly break down! Just take your closed loop system for butane and use super chilled alcohol as the solvent. Super chilled means well below zero -40 to -60 degree C this requires a scientific chiller instead of your chilled LP tank. The chiller cools down the alcohol to -40c then you wash your material with it the same way you would for the butane solvent. The clear liquid and essential oil end up in your collection base as...

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Closed Loop System Website Domains 4 sale!

Posted by Jeromy Posey on

Closed Loop System Website Domains 4 sale! and                                Buy Now $524,999  Buy Now $575,000                   Buy Now $505,000            Buy Now $1.500,000      Buy Now $575,000            Buy Now $995,000                 Buy Now $1,550,000             Buy Now $100,000,000    ...

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Closed Loop Extraction Processing Equipment

Posted by Jeromy Posey on

DABZPRO ESSENTIAL OIL EXTRACTORS Superior by Design!The Fastest Recovery TimesThe Largest Processing View Windows Dabzpro-2016-sight-glass-processing-vew-fastest-recovery-closed-loop-essential-oil-extractor-bho-reclaim-solvent-butane-Dabzpro-Dominator-closed-loop-essential-oil-extractor-reclaim-systems-tanks-tri-clamp-2-3-4-6-8-10-12-14-bho-botanical-herbal-oil-the-clear-cbd-hemp-xtractor-New 2016 Dominator *Shown with 2 -4"-Tri-Clamp- Sight-glasses-and-a-ball-valve **cost extraTurns Any Flower Into, The Purest Essential Oil Money can buy!Essential Oil Extraction Made Easy! $2,999 BUY NOW >>> Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Tumblr LinkedIn You TubeClosed Loop Reclamation Essential Oil Extraction Systems Recover 98% of your Solvent Every Run cbd extractor- the clear- make clear- make cbd-hemp-honey oil extractor, butane extractor, 4"-Tri-Clamp-Sight-glass, butane honey oil extractor, butane hash oil extractor, butane extractors, butane oil extractor, bho butane honey oil extractor, butane extractor, butane essential oil extractor,...

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